mardi 9 août 2022

New Replica Rolex Air-King Watch M126900-0001 For Sale

 Compared with the previous generation of Air Ba, the shell shape of the new generation of Air Ba is somewhat visible in contrast. Such as the width and shape of the lugs. The new generation Airmaster has wider lugs, while the lugs are also slimmer and smoother. Not as pearly as the previous generation. This design language also extends to the strap and bezel. Such changes make the new generation of Airbus look lighter. At the same time, as said before, the new crown guard makes it "look" more sporty and instrumental. Of course it's just looks. That is to say, its existence has little practical significance, and it all depends on personal preference. Personally, I still prefer to have shoulder pads. There are two reasons. One is that the size ratio of this shoulder pad is just right, and the increase does not affect the overall harmony. Second, the addition of crown shoulder pads to the non-functional bezel style is a bold attempt and change for Rolex. This means that the Airmaster has overdone as a near-sport model. If things go on like this, one day the new Milgauss may also have this shoulder pad, and then we will not be surprised.Luxury replica Rolex Air-King watches for sale.

The change of the digital time scale of the Airmaster dial is from the previous generation. Two years before that (2014), Rolex was exploring a partnership with a supersonic car agency to make instrumentation timings for it. Therefore, in 2016, the Airmaster 116900 adopted this inspiration and gave birth to the new dial of Airmaster at that time. This cooperative project has now been dismantled. Many die-hard Rolex fans also feel that with the termination of the cooperation, the original Kongba disk may also return, but it did not. The dial of the new Airmaster still continues this inspiration, but compared with the previous generation, the details have changed a lot. First of all, it is very obvious that the time scale of 5 minutes at 1 o'clock has become 05. I think this sense of balance must be a lot more comfortable for people with obsessive-compulsive disorder.New replica Tag Heuer Monaco watches from China on sale.